Mundt, Kerry; Sharp, Byron; Dawes, John (2003) “An Investigation of Multi-Product Loyalty in Financial Services”, Aust and NZ Marketing Academy Conference 2003 Proceedings, University of South Australia, Adelaide.
Sharp, Byron; Riebe, Erica; Dawes, John (2002), "A Marketing Economy of Scale - Big Brands Lose Less of their Customer Base than Small Brands", Marketing Bulletin, Vol.13. download
Sharp, Byron; Riebe, Erica (2005) "Does Triple Jeopardy Exist for Retail Chains", Journal of Empirical Generalistions in Marketing Science, Vol.9. download
Romaniuk, Jenni; Sharp, Byron; Paech, Samantha; Driesener, Carl (2004) "Brand and Advertising Awareness: A Replication and Extension of a Known Empirical Generalisation", Australasian Marketing Journal, Vol.12, No.3, p.70-80. download
Ehrenberg, Andrew; Barnard, Neil; Sharp, Byron (2000) “ Problems With Marketing's 'Decision' Models”, Australia & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference proceedings. Griffith University: Australia
Riquier, Christopher; Sharp, Byron (1997) "Image Measurement and the Problem of Usage Bias", 26th EMAC Conference, The University of Warwick, Warwick Business School, U.K., 20-23 May. download
Sharp, Byron; Dawes, John (1996) "Independent Empirical Support for Porter's Generic Marketing Strategies ? A Re-analysis using correspondence analysis", Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science, Vol.1, 1996, p.39-47
Full list of publications here.
Commentary here.